

Square One Groups

In a talk given at Seattle Pacific University in 2011, Eugene Peterson addressed what it means to be “shaped and formed by the creative genius of God revealed in scripture.” Peterson said, “… we need to return to square one." Our hope is through these small groups we are helping our participants return to “square one” by spending more time reflecting on biblical texts with one another. In these small groups we honor a sacred listening to the text, silence, journaling, and a conversation that stems from this reflective approach to time with the text. It is beautiful to experience the movement of the Holy Spirit as we gather around the text. Though you will certainly learn something about the text, we want to provide space for experiencing the text less as information and more for formation. We would love to have you participate and experience this for yourself.


Ministry Leaders Groups

We believe that it is a safe assumption that you spend a lot of time in the Bible! You teach, lead, facilitate, shepherd people into knowing it better, but how are you being fed? How are you in the text to tend to your own soul care where there is no pressure on you as a leader? Do you have a place where you can listen to the Bible read over you amongst a group of colleagues wanting to pay attention together? And if you do how diverse of a gathering is that? How might being in a space with others from different Christian traditions help sustain you as a part of God’s kingdom work? We would love to offer such a gift to you.